Thursday, July 19, 2012

Beach and Cinema in Villefranche

Visiobulle Juans Les Pins

Waiting for the train

Here are some of our girls waiting to get on the train at the closest station to our residence (Nice Riquier) to head to Monaco for the afternoon with the photography class. Patience is a virtue often re-explored in French train stations - the trains are often late!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Miam Miam Moules!

One of the best parts about being abroad is getting to sample the local cuisine! Here are Sophie V., Marissa and Alex (left to right) digging into an old French classic - moules marinieres.

Musee Picasso

This photo was taken during our day trip to the enchanting medieval seaside town of Antibes. Here the group is outside the world-famous Musee Picasso after a guided visit of the museum. It was all smiles on this sunny Sunday afternoon!

Kayaking at St. Jean Cap Ferrat

Our Thursday afternoons have belonged to the breathtaking corner of the Riviera known as St. Jean Cap Ferrat. We have cooking workshops in the restaurant of a seaside hotel called Fregate. The students form groups and take turns preparing different courses that we then eat for dinner all together in the salon of the hotel. And while the students aren't cooking, they are kayaking among the star-studded Mediterranean yachts. Not bad for a Thursday afternoon!

4th of July

The gang's all here! We stopped to take our first group pic while strolling along the Promenade des Anglais down to the beach for our 4th of July evening picnic. We had a great time!

An intercultural welcome

Our first three students to arrive, Haya, Lama, and Abeer (from left to right) - all best friends from Saudi Arabia - put their first afternoon in Nice to good use by making this lovely sign to decorate our common room. It says "common room" in French, English, Spanish and Arabic, the four languages represented in our international group of Americans, Canadians, Venezuelans and Saudi Arabians here in Nice. Great work, girls!

NICE is where the heart is

Bonsoir, tout le monde! Please forgive our late start on the blog upkeep. Trying to maintain technological projects in France has once again proven difficult! But here we are, already beginning our third week together (can you believe it?), so we will do our best to catch you up on our first two weeks of fun. This first photo was taken with the help of some of our students and our photography and art teachers one evening on the beach. The effect is created by keeping a camera shutter open for 30 seconds and moving light sources (flight lights, cell phones, iPods, etc) in a pattern for the duration of the 30 seconds. The results are fantastic! And the message - N i c e <3 - is the sentiment we hope our students carry in their hearts for the duration of the program, and for many, many years to come.